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PEGINTERFERON BETA-1a (peg in ter FEER on BAY ta) helps to decrease the number of multiple sclerosis attacks and to slow disability in people with relapsing forms of the disease. It is not a cure.
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There is no additional information on this drug.
There is no additional information on this drug.
POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL; ELECTROLYTES; ASCORBIC ACID (pol ee ETH i leen GLYE col; i LEK truh lahyts) bowel prep kit is a laxative. It is used to clean out the bowel before a colonoscopy.
PLERIXAFOR (pler IX a fore) helps your body increase the amount of white blood cells in the blood. It is used to increase white blood cells before a stem cell transplant.
SULFACETAMIDE; SULFUR (sul fa SEE ta mide; sul fur) is a sulfonamide antibiotic. It is used on the skin to treat acne, rosacea, or seborrhea.
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LIDOCAINE; TETRACAINE (LYE doe kane; TET ra kane) causes loss of feeling in the skin and surrounding tissues. It is used to numb the skin before a procedure.
LUTETIUM LU 177 VIPIVOTIDE TETRAXETAN (loo-TEE-shee-uhm vye PIV oh tide te TRAX e tan) treats prostate cancer. It works by slowing down the growth of cancer cells.
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There is no additional information on this drug.
PNEUMOCOCCAL VACCINE, POLYVALENT (NEU mo KOK al vak SEEN, pol ee VEY luhnt) is a vaccine to prevent pneumococcus bacteria infection. These bacteria are a major cause of ear infections, Strep throat infections, and serious pneumonia, meningitis, or blood infections worldwide. These vaccines help the body to produce antibodies (protective substances) that help your body defend against these bacteria. This vaccine is recommended for people 2 years of age and older with health problems. It is also recommended for all adults over 50 years old. This vaccine will not treat an infection.
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PRENATAL MULTIVITAMINS (pree NAY tuhl MUHL tee VAHY tuh mins) support your overall health. They work by increasing the amount of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients in your body. They are used in combination with a healthy diet.
There is no additional information on this drug.
There is no additional information on this drug.
PRENATAL MULTIVITAMINS (pree NAY tuhl MUHL tee VAHY tuh mins) support your overall health. They work by increasing the amount of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients in your body. They are used in combination with a healthy diet.
There is no additional information on this drug.
There is no additional information on this drug.
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