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ALPRAZOLAM (al PRAY zoe lam) treats anxiety. It works by helping your nervous system calm down. It belongs to a group of medications called benzodiazepines.
ALPRAZOLAM (al PRAY zoe lam) treats anxiety. It works by helping your nervous system calm down. It belongs to a group of medications called benzodiazepines.
ALPRAZOLAM (al PRAY zoe lam) treats anxiety. It works by helping your nervous system calm down. It belongs to a group of medications called benzodiazepines.
FACTOR IX Fc FUSION PROTEIN (fak tir nine Fc FYOO zhuh n PROH teen) is used in patients with hemophilia B to help prevent and control bleeding.
ALPROSTADIL (al PROS ta dil) is a natural protein. It is used to treat neonates with a specific heart defect. This medicine is used for a short time until the condition can be corrected.
LOTEPREDNOL (loe te PRED nol) is used in the eye to treat swelling and pain caused by eye surgery. It can also treat eye redness and swelling due to allergies. It is also used to treat dry eyes.
RETAPAMULIN (RE te PAM ue lin) is an antibiotic. It is used on the skin to treat an infection known as impetigo.
TETRACAINE (TE truh keyn) is an anesthetic. The eye drops are used to numb the eye and surrounding area before certain procedures.
RAMIPRIL (ra MI pril) is an ACE inhibitor. It treats high blood pressure and heart failure. It can treat heart damage after a heart attack.
SODIUM CHLORIDE (SOE dee um KLOOR ide) eye ointment is a medicine used in the eye to reduce swelling.
There is no additional information on this drug.
There is no additional information on this drug.
LEVONORGESTREL; ETHINYL ESTRADIOL (LEE voh nor jes trel; ETH in il es tra DYE ole) prevents ovulation and pregnancy. It belongs to a group of medications called oral contraceptives. It is a combination of the hormones estrogen and progestin.
TETRAHYDROZOLINE (tet-ra-hye-DROZ-oh-leen) is a decongestant. It reduces redness in the eye caused by minor eye irritations.
There is no additional information on this drug.
There is no additional information on this drug.
There is no additional information on this drug.
There is no additional information on this drug.
LOVASTATIN (LOE va sta tin) treats high cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. It works by decreasing bad cholesterol and fats (such as LDL, triglycerides), and increasing good cholesterol (HDL) in your blood. It belongs to a group of medications called statins. Changes to diet and exercise are often combined with this medication.
TRETINOIN (TRET i noe in) treats acne. It belongs to a group of medications called retinoids.
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