
Medication Questions


Are All Thyroxines the Same?

If you’ve been diagnosed with hypothyroidism or suspect you have an underactive thyroid, you will most likely need to take a medication known as levothyroxine. But are all thyroxines the same?

Pills N Whiskey

How Does Alcohol Affect Your Medication?

This year, smaller gatherings may include the occasional rum punch or glass of wine, but before you imbibe, read on to learn about medications that should not be mixed with alcohol.

Stigma Of Depression

The Stigma of Antidepressants

The stigma of taking antidepressants, and depression itself remain a barrier for people seeking help to improve their mental health.

Cancer Risk

New Guidelines for Reducing Cancer Risk

Research indicates that the risk of cancer can be greatly influenced by lifestyle factors related to body weight, exercise, diet, and alcohol consumption. Learn how you might reduce your risk.


Antivirals Zovirax (acyclovir) vs. Valtrex (valacyclovir)

Although both drugs target the same viruses, there are a few differences between them. Read on for a comparison of the two drugs.

Late Night Snacking

Eating a Late Dinner Can Drive Weight Gain

Research shows that eating dinner late at night can drive weight gain, regardless of the number of calories consumed.

Quick Start Guide

Quick-start Guide: Why Should I Create an Account?

Quick Start Guide: All about the Medicine Chest, an account for a prescription savings card.


Common Medicines That Dry Out Your Skin

One of the most obnoxious medication side effects is skin dryness. This loss of hydration can cause pesky symptoms such as skin flaking, itching, tightness, or burning. Read on to learn more about which medications can cause skin dryness and how to manage this symptom.


Medication Organization: Tips to Improve Adherence

Learn simple ways to create organizational systems into your daily routine to get the most benefit from your drug therapy.


Avoiding Drug Interactions: There’s an App for That

Check out the latest story from CBS News – New York for the latest interview with ScriptSave’s own Dan Johnson.


Diabetes, Insulin, and the Rising Cost of Therapy

According to a study from the CDC, the percent of patients taking both insulin and an oral medication increased between 1997 and 2011.


New Generic Drugs Hitting the Market in 2019

A new group of generic medications are hitting the prescription drug market in 2019. At ScriptSave, we get a lot of questions about generic medications vs. brand name prescription drugs.


Income and Medication Non-Adherence

Overall, the relationship between income and prescription fill rates at the pharmacy is much more complicated than low-income patients having decreased prescription adherence.


Treatment for Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is most commonly caused by an autoimmune disorder which is when the body’s immune system attacks its own tissues rather than infections.. If you’re struggling with hypothyroidism, there are prescription and natural treatment options available.


What You Need to Know about Drug Interactions

If you take any prescription medications, you need to be aware of potential interactions. Here’s how you can protect yourself from dangerous drug interactions.


Causes (and Remedies) for Nocturnal Leg Cramps

Do you wake up in the middle of the night feeling as if your lower legs are paralyzed and cramped? Do your lower leg muscles feel as if they are hard to the touch and tight? If you experience these symptoms, you may have nocturnal leg cramps.


Tamiflu Cost vs. Benefit

Most patients have the misconception that Tamiflu will cure them of the flu, when in reality the medication works by reducing the number of days with flu like symptoms. There is not direct cure for the flu since it is a viral entity, like the common cold.


New Shingles Vaccine on National Backorder

The term “backorder” in terms of pharmacy simply means that the pharmacy went to place an order on a specific item and the wholesaler, or company that sells the item, cannot fulfill the order due to shortages. The manufacturer producing Shingrix is now experiencing shipping delays for their vaccine due to the high levels of demand.


Activated Charcoal: Latest Health Fad, OTC Use and Misuse

With all the new diet and detoxification trends arising from celebrities and the media, it’s hard to know harmful from helpful. Activated charcoal has been portrayed as the new “magic bullet” for multiple health issues. Activated charcoal’s popularity is quickly spreading and turning up in supplements, juices, hangover remedies, face masks and even toothpastes. The media and celebrities promise it will reduce bloating, clear skin, whiten your teeth, and detox your organs for a healthier life. But does it work?


Drug Recalls: A 3-Step Patient Guide

The United States Food & Drug Administration (FDA) recalled over seven different products in December 2018 due to impurities, mislabeling, or performance defects. The FDA works closely with drug manufacturers to recall and remove any defective medications from the consumer market.  They also have laws that require organizations to contact patients subject to the recall.


Do ARBs Cause Cancer?

Prescribed dosages of valsartan range from 40 mg to 320 mg daily and lower strength tablets would contain less NDMA respectively than a higher strength tablet. If you or someone you know is taking an ARB for the treatment of high blood pressure, check the FDA website regularly. A list of affected medication with their lot and expiration dates can be found for all valsartan, irbesartan, and losartan included in the recall.


Medical Uses for Marijuana

While the use of marijuana still remains illegal at the federal level, there are many states that have approved its medical use for qualifying individuals to treat certain conditions, and even fewer states have approved its recreational use.


What Medications Will Your Insurance Be Dropping?

The formulary is a list of approved medications for which an insurer has agreed to help cover the cost. However, there might be multiple manufacturers of numerous drugs designed to treat the same condition. This is an opportunity for the insurance company to trim costs by only agreeing to cover one drug for each health condition.


Types of Bleeding & Anticoagulation Therapy

Bleeding can manifest itself in a variety of different ways which, at times, may not be easy to recognize. Some bleeds are also more serious than others and may require emergency medical attention. Bleeding frequency may also vary depending on a variety of factors such as underlying bleeding disorders or the use of certain medications.


Obesity: An Epidemic Today Yet Unwritten Future

More Americans live with obesity than breast cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and HIV all together. The medical community has been aware of the rising epidemic for many years, yet its response has not been effective at addressing the problem.


What to Tell Your Dentist

When you visit the dentist, you expect to answer typical questions regarding your oral health, such as how often you are brushing your teeth or the infamous question of whether or not you floss. It may surprise you when your dentist asks what medications you take at home. Why would it matter if the dentists knows what you’re taking?


Keeping an Eye on Your Diabetes Health

Roughly 415 million people across the world are affected with this disease. If you have diabetes, you should consider several things, such as lifestyle, medication adherence, and check-ups with your healthcare provider. These are important to make sure that your diabetes is controlled and doesn’t lead to a deterioration in your overall health.


Unsafe Medications for Patients with Food Allergies

Nearly 20% of Americans have self reported an allergy to a medication and roughly 4% of the nation suffers from some form of food allergy. While it would seem obvious to avoid something if you’re allergic to it, you’d first have to know you’re allergic. When it comes to medications this can be challenging. 


Healthcare and the Blockchain

From prevention of drug counterfeiting to managing data loss in natural disasters, startups across the country are using blockchain technology to fix problems that have plagued the healthcare system for decades.


Rising Cost of Insulin? Here’s What You Can Do

Insulin plays an important role in managing patients with Diabetes Mellitus (DM). Patients with Type 1 DM have limited ability to produce endogenous insulin due to their pancreas’s inability to properly function. Patients with Type 2 DM can also have increased dependence on insulin therapy use as their disease state progresses.


What You Need to Know about Morning Sickness

Morning sickness or nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (NVP) occurs in 70-80% of pregnant women.  In the United States, roughly 4 million women are affected each year. 


Are You at Risk for a Fall?

Every year there are millions of falls occurring in the older population, aged 65 and older. About 1 out of 4 older people fall each year, with less than half reporting it to their doctor.


Your Child’s Medication During School

In the United States, more than 263 million prescriptions are dispensed each year for pediatric patients. Chances are, your child may need to take their medications at school. If your child has a medication that they need to take during school hours, whether it is a long-term, short-term, or emergency medication, here are some helpful tips:


Why Taking your Medication Matters

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 50% of Americans have used at least one prescription with in the last 30 days. One recent study shows that patients who were compliant with taking their statin therapy medications for at least two years had a 30% reduction in the risk of hospitalization for heart attacks.


Advances in Health Information Technology

Technology users are becoming savvier about the data they produce, which companies have access to the data, and how the data is being used. There are government regulations set in place for protecting your health information.


Prescription Considerations for Allergy Medications

Seasonal allergies affect anywhere between 10-30% of people worldwide. Allergies to one or more common allergens are reaching upwards of 40-50% in school children. Allergies occur due to an immune response to something the body considers “foreign,” in other words, strange or unfamiliar.


Opioids and Alternative Options

Opioids are a class of medication used to manage short-term and long-term pain. This medication class is well known to healthcare providers, but also to anyone keeping up with local and national news.


No Blank Script: Walmart Announces Tighter Controls for Opioid Prescriptions

Walmart issued a press release to announce the pending introduction (within 60 days) of new restrictions on how it will fill prescriptions for opioid medications. These new initiatives will apply to all Walmart and Sam’s Club pharmacies and pharmacists in the United States and Puerto Rico.


Shingles: What Is It and How Do I Prevent It?

It’s likely you’ve heard about shingles, or may even know someone who has had the painful rash, but what exactly is shingles, and how can you prevent it? The varicella-zoster virus (VSV) causes two distinct forms of infection, chickenpox and shingles. It’s important to recognize how you can contract this virus and what you can do to protect against it.


10 Medicine Cabinet Must-Haves

Health mishaps happen. Whether it’s a twisted ankle on the stairs or something as serious as chest pains, having the appropriate medical supplies on hand help you stay prepared.


The Risk of Osteoporosis

Each year, millions of Americans, who may otherwise feel fine, are diagnosed with Osteoporosis. Developing osteoporosis puts people at higher risk for fractures, especially in the hips, spine, and wrists. Women are at much higher risk, with 10 percent of women age 50 and older affected by osteoporosis, compared with just two percent of men that age.


Why Am I Taking These Medications?

It is important to know why you’re taking a certain medication, or why your doctor prescribed that medication for you.


Serotonin Syndrome

The varying symptoms of Serotonin Syndrome can be difficult to diagnose. Early serotonin syndrome symptoms, including diarrhea, high blood pressure, anxiety and agitation, can be easily confused with less serious conditions.


ScriptSave WellRx Partners with SinfoniaRx to Enhance Patient Experience

ScriptSave WellRx, a prescription savings website and mobile app, and SinfoníaRx, a subsidiary of Tabula Rasa HealthCare (NASDAQ:THRC), are making Medication Therapy Management available by phone at no cost to consumers.


Drug Therapy for Insomnia

Sleep is a precious commodity that everyone needs to function. Individual sleep needs are different; some people need a few extra hours while others need less. Some people are light sleepers, while others “sleep like logs.


Managing Insomnia Without Medication

A general consensus estimates that approximately one-third of adults experience insomnia. Characteristic symptoms include: difficulty initiating sleep, difficulty maintaining sleep, waking up too early, and/or poor quality of sleep.


Does Your Fibromyalgia Control You?

Dull, aching pain throughout your entire body. Trouble sleeping. Irritable mood. What could possibly be going on? Is it just in your head? Does anyone else feel like this? Well, if you experience some of these symptoms, one potential cause could be fibromyalgia, which affects the lives of almost 4 million Americans.


Traveling? Don’t Forget Your Meds

When heading out on vacation, medications are likely the last thing on your mind. Between booking a flight, making sure you have your passport, or packing last minute luggage, medications can be easy to forget. However, if you take medications regularly, they should be one of the first things you should be thinking about.


Statin Medications and the Risk of Rhabdomyolysis

If your doctor has prescribed a statin medication to lower your cholesterol, you may have heard or read about the potential side effects of statin drugs, and their impact on liver function.


Pharmacogenomics or Pharmacogenetics?

As with most things, when it comes selecting a drug regimen for the treatment of chronic disease, one size does not fit all. If you take medications, you may have wondered why that is the case. One reason is because of pharmacogenomics.


Depression and Anxiety in Children: Choosing the Right Medication

Across the United States, the rate of antidepressant use in children is rising. It has led to prescription costs exceeding $100,000 in the four states with the highest antidepressant prescription rates for children.

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Is a NOAC Right for Me?

The NOACs, or novel oral anticoagulants, are a new breed of blood thinner that have arrived on the market within the last ten years.


Prescription Price Matters

If you’ve ever used a prescription price-check tool for an Rx savings program (like ScriptSave WellRx), only to have been told a different price when the time came to collect & pay for the prescription at the pharmacy, then the next few paragraphs are for you.


Getting the Most From Your Medications

The causes of non-adherence, when a patient either accidentally or knowingly does not take medications as prescribed, can be complex. Non-adherence is often the result of cost; patients who simply can’t afford their medications. However, good habits and a good understanding of the medication can also be a big part of adherence, and can help you stick to your medication schedule.


Do You Have Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome (ZES)?

Zollinger-Ellison syndrome is a rare disorder. It occurs in about one in every 1 million people. Normally, when we eat, our body releases a hormone called gastrin, which tells your stomach to make acid to help break down foods and liquids. For patients with ZES, this mechanism is disrupted.


Transition of Care

“It all started with pain radiating down my left arm. It was hard to breathe and I was short of breath. I knew something was wrong and called 911. I was rushed to the hospital. I remember the sirens, but they slowly faded away. Then I woke up. There was a man in a white […]


Pill Splitting? Do it Safely

Pill splitting refers to breaking a pill down to obtain a smaller amount of the whole pill. Your doctor can write a prescription that is usually double the dosage of what you should take in one day. You can then cut the pill in half, making the smaller dose that should actually be taken.


Side Effects of Statin Drugs – Drug Induced Liver Injury

Doctors often prescribe statins for people with high cholesterol levels to lower their total cholesterol and reduce their risk of a heart attack or stroke. While statins are highly effective, they have been linked to muscle pain, digestive problems and mental fuzziness in some people and may rarely cause liver damage.

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Should You Be Taking Low-dose Aspirin Daily?

Many people take aspirin occasionally to provide relief from various conditions (e.g. pain, inflammation, fever, headaches), but what about taking a low-dose aspirin every day for prevention reasons? As with all medications, aspirin poses various benefits and risks that need to be taken into consideration before you start taking it. Certain individuals would benefit the most from taking a low-dose aspirin and others shouldn’t take it at all.


The T’s in DiabeTes (Sound-Alike and Look-Alike Medications)

Sound-Alike/Look-Alike Medications are very important to identify and help reduce medication errors. There are several medications starting with the letter “T” that have become available to treat diabetes. This may lead to confusion among patients and physicians, so it’s important YOU understand how to safely recognize and use your diabetes medication.


Do You Believe the CBO? An Analysis of Repeal or Replace

It’s a hectic time for anyone trying to predict what will happen to their family’s healthcare costs. Every conceivable think tank, group, association and committee seems to have an opinion, and many ScriptSave WellRx members are wondering (and worrying) about who to believe. One thing seems to be certain – change is coming. For some, it’ll be well received, while others may be worse for the change.


GLP-1–Based Therapy for Diabetes: Newer Options to Consider

What a time to be a person with diabetes! These days there are more medications on the market than ever to help you control your diabetes. But how do you know which medication is right for you?
Of course you should always consult your physician or your local pharmacist for medical advice. However, here is some information about these new medications so that you don’t feel out of the loop.
Some of the current insulin medications that you are used to are Lantus, Humalog, and NovoLog. These medications deliver the hormone insulin to your blood so that insulin can tell your cells to take in more glucose. This keeps your blood sugar down.


February is American Heart Month

February has been designated as American Heart Month to raise awareness about heart disease and how people can prevent it — both at home and in the community. It’s a great time to commit to a healthy lifestyle and make small changes that can lead to a lifetime of heart health.


Diabetic? Here’s Why You Need a Glucagon Pen

Confusion, weakness, anxiety or irritability, a general sense of confusion — these are signs of low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia. It often happens when diabetics take too much insulin.
Hypoglycemia happens to many people with diabetes, and it can be serious or even fatal.
Severe hypoglycemic episode, also referred to as insulin shock, can occur when the body has too much insulin that can lead to low blood sugar levels.


What’s In A Name? Brand Name vs. Generic

A brand name medication is the original product developed and researched by the manufacturing drug company. Before a new medication can go on the market, the drug company has to put it through rigorous testing to prove that the drug is effective and safe for human use. This can be a long and expensive process. Some drugs are in testing for years or even decades before getting approved.


Struggling with Statins?

Why do I need a statin? Why are there so many with different names? Why did my doctor prescribe this brand name statin I can’t afford? What are the risks, side effects, and benefits of this medication? Why are they talking about cola-colored urine? If you’re like most people, you have thought of these questions leaving your doctor’s office or pharmacy and might have forgotten to ask. You’re in the right place.


IBS or IBD? Similar but Different

Unlike IBD, IBS isn’t classified as a true disease. Instead it’s known as a “functional disorder.” This means that the symptoms don’t have an identifiable cause. Contrary to popular belief, IBS isn’t a psychological condition. IBS has physical symptoms, but there is no known cause.


ADHD Treatment

There’s no known cure for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ADHD is a common disorder that often starts in childhood, but is sometimes not diagnosed until adulthood. It is important for parents to remember that ADHD can be successfully managed. There are many treatment options, so parents should work closely with everyone involved in the child’s life—healthcare providers, therapists, teachers, and family members.
For children 6 years of age and older, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends both behavior therapy and medication as good options, preferably both together. For young children (under 6 years of age) with ADHD, behavior therapy is recommended as the first line of treatment, before medication is tried. Good treatment plans will include close monitoring of whether and how much the treatment helps the child’s behavior, and making changes as needed along the way. You can learn more


Do You Have Asthma or COPD? Meet Your Lifesaver

Asthma and COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) are the most common breathing conditions that require the use of inhalers, either a rescue inhaler or controller inhaler based on their purpose.

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Patience at the Pharmacy 1.01: Why does it take so long to fill my Rx?

Have you ever found yourself waiting forever to get your prescription filled at the pharmacy? I mean, how much time does it honestly take to count 30 pills into a bottle and label it? It should just take a few minutes, right? It’s a common question.


Finding Trusted Health Information on the Internet

Have you ever found yourself Googling your symptoms when you are sick? A few clicks later and you find yourself absorbing information that correlates with your symptoms and you have convinced yourself that you have this condition and only months to live? I have realized that Googling your symptoms when you are ill is a


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This feature requires registration. Sign up or log in to your free WellRx account to gain access to this and other tools to help make managing your medications and wellness easier.

Benefits Include:

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This feature requires registration. Sign up or log in to your free WellRx account to gain access to this and other tools to help make managing your medications and wellness easier.

Benefits Include:

Store & manage your medication list
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Import medication from your pharmacy
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Pill & refill reminders
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